Tuai ewu' aku' means 'Come follow me' in the language of the indigenous Penan peoples of Sarawak, Borneo. This blog is an invitation to you to follow me on my big adventure to learn about this tribe and experience the natural beauty of Borneo. Tuai ewu' aku' ! x

Monday, September 6, 2010

Borneo trek Days 4 & 5 - Village life and artistic shots

Sat 28 August and Sun 29 August.

The last two days of the trip were spent in the village of our guide, Issac.  I think we were all happy to be able to get cleaned up and relax.  We were well looked after by him and his family.  His wife cooked us meals of tapioca (my new favourite) and rice. Highlights included an exhilarating boat ride on the river and watching Issac's wife weave Rattan baskets.  I also had a rather surreal experience attending a candlelight church service, given in Penan, which included everyone singing 'Amazing Grace' (in Penan of course). The congregation gathered around me to watch as I joined in.

Unfortunately I didnt get any photos of the village because I maxed out my card.  I'll put some up in a later post though.  Instead, I'll regale you with some of my artistic/Steve Parish shots. :)

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! You have obviously had an amazing experience so far, I'm looking forwards to your next post! I'm so inspired by how well you managed on what seems like a very challenging trek, leeches and all!
