Tuai ewu' aku' means 'Come follow me' in the language of the indigenous Penan peoples of Sarawak, Borneo. This blog is an invitation to you to follow me on my big adventure to learn about this tribe and experience the natural beauty of Borneo. Tuai ewu' aku' ! x

Monday, September 6, 2010

Borneo Trek Day 5 - Sad ending

29 August

The trip was great, but the ending was particularly sobering.  The jungle which we explored is under great pressure from logging because of its valuable old trees.  A great deal of Penan land has already been heavily logged but the Penan have resisted further inroads, mounting peaceful blockades (some of which have been ruthlessly broken up).  Things are very tense there and you can explore the issue further if you are interested, but here is the view we had on the way to the airport and from the plane.  By the way, some of this wood ends up in Australia.


  1. Amazing stuff, Ang. It's a shame such an amazing landscape is so heavily harvested.

  2. That is such a terrible sight with all these ugly gouges in the landscape, so very sad and disheartening to think how this could continue to destroy all this beauty!
